Lessons from 2023

2023 was an interesting year. It was a year of surrender, healing and everything moving so slowly including me. As someone who is a pretty driven, dreamer this taught me a lot. 


Learning from our experience adds meaning to our lives. If you get the chance I highly urge you to pause and reflect on the year just past. Take it slow, allow yourself to embody what you have learned before racing into the the next year. What I have discovered is that racing ahead with little reflection or learnings leads to the lessons being repeated and repeated. With the universe kicking us in the butt if we really don't listen up. 


Here I share my personal 5 main learnings. Some may resonate, some may not. They may give you an idea as to where to find your own learnings. Certainly the first 4 have something to offer us all. 


My word for the year last year was “Vibrancy.” I entered the year with such a low energy and vibe. This word was my guiding light. I worked with my body, emotions, natural healing, mindset, plants, essential oils, crystals, essences, music and more. Below are my biggest lessons. 


Lesson 1: Nervous System Regulation is essential for everything! 

The body cannot heal when it is in fight or flight. You cannot make positive decisions and empowered decisions when living in fear. When you are stuck in stress, overwhelm and fear your body's soul mission is to keep you alive and out of danger, There is little room for anything else.


I spent months in a trauma response, having panic attacks daily. A mixture of perimenopause anxiety and depression, mixed with family stress, some traumatic incidents, death of a friend and chronic illness. 


My recovery has been so slow. But I am now seeing shifts which are allowing me to heal and feel me again. This is still one of my daily practices of 2024 ensuring my nervous system is regulated and I am in a calm and resilient space to cope with life's challenges whilst thriving in life. 


Lesson 2: Compassion for Yourself is Necessary

This year I really had to learn a deeper self love than ever before. My healing journey was like a roller coaster. One day I’d think I was improving and the next day my balance would be gone again and mood low. I would get so frustrated and angry at my body. Was this attitude supporting calm and nourished nervous system? NOPE! So I learnt to celebrate and love myself, to mother myself and be kind. I discovered my true purpose again through this. I learnt to love myself when I had nothing to give and that is a huge learning indeed. 


Lesson 3: Cyclical Living and a Deeper Understanding of This 

Nature became my biggest teacher and healer this year. I befriended my hormonal cycle, the cycle of the moon, the seasons and more. The more I slowed down and moved in alignment with these natural cycles the more I felt like coming home. I built safety and understanding within. I no longer fought against the natural rhythms of life. I chose to work around my hormonal cycle which gave me the space to rest when I needed and to harness the energy I had. 

Lesson 4: Getting Support is Essential and Powerful not a Weakness

This year I reached out to specialists, healers, I listened to podcasts, and watched youtube. I found community, connection and support from those that added to my life. I created really strong boundaries around those that depleted me. This allowed me to feel safe, understood and to tap into the experience and expertise of those who could help me. Each adding something and gaining something. Finding those who have overcome what you are facing or have the skills to support you will enhance your life. 


Couple this with intuitive guidance and your own internal support system and your life will change. 

Lesson 5: I am no longer longing to be pregnant or a mother again

This was something so interesting for me. Having struggled with infertility, baby loss, starting IVF and the adoption process. Having and loving another child was something that had consumed a lot of headspace and heartspace for me. With perimenopause my cycle is somewhat erratic. One day my daughter said as my periods were super late “ Maybe your pregnant mum?” . For the first time since my late twenties I thought I hope not. It actually really shocked me, but then showed me how much I had healed that year. This grief for another child was something I was no longer carrying.  And for that I am grateful.

This year although it felt so slow and quite unmonumental it really has been a coming home to self, self love and my divine purpose and passion in life. After writing this I can see the necessary growth and lessons that took place. 


Many of these aspects now form my Group Programme Metamorphosis (vibrational healing, crystals, essential oils, mindset, connecting to the divine, cyclical living). This is now my signature programme and gift from experience. A truly transformative journey. Supporting other women navigating challenges and negative emotions, to thriving and finding their purpose and meaning. All delivered in a way I can honour my own health and wellbeing and theirs. I feel really blessed. 


My word for this year is Pleasure, I’m excited to weave pleasure into all I do. Enjoying and feeling pleasure towards simple things from sipping my tea, to smelling my scented candles. Now I’ve developed this slower, simple pace, I ain't going back. 


With Love Susi xx


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