How to get the Holiday Vibes without the Holiday

You can also listen to an extended version of this on the Be Free Podcast. 

Do your holidays leave you yearning to return to your routines or tired and jaded wishing they were longer. I love time away from routine days with no plans. Slower pace trying new things, and often reflecting on where I'm at with life. What's working and what's not. I took a week off work last week as I really wanted some spaciousness time to step back, rest and review when I'm at. 


We've had a lot of change this year moving house moving business family stuff and healing. I felt I needed this time to land. The summer holidays has passed in a flash, however it didn't quite work out like I imagined. I am left yearning for that holiday feeling of rest and reflection.


So I thought I'd share how I'm going to give myself some holiday benefits without taking a holiday per se. Holidays are often the perfect antidote for stress, overwhelm, anxiety. Escaping from the pressures of life and...

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Full Moon Ritual


Hello Beautiful Souls,

Here you will find a mini ritual to harness this beautiful full moon energy. Full moons can cause our emotions to rise. It's time to view this as a benefit and not a curse. The full moon is here to illuminate what needs addressed so that we can move forward feeling lighter, creating space for the good to flow to us.

We need to create space for this to occur. You cannot fill an already full to brimming life, its time to release and let go.

This full moon ritual is journaling based, you may also wish to have access to a pot, glass bowl of flame resistant pot.

You will need:

Journal and Pen


Smudging tool (incense, sage, palo Santo, sweetgrass etc)

A fire pit, pot or flame proof dish

The Ritual

Begin by cleansing your space with your chosen smudging tool, cleanse your body too, wafting the smoke through your aura, cleansing and clearing.

Light your candle with the intention that you shine light on any areas that need support, addressed or future action may be...

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When the healing gets too much; grab some tootie fruities and remember who you are!

When The Healing Gets Too Much, Grab Some Tootie Fruities and Remember Who You Are


As a self confessed self development and spiritual junkie one thing I have learnt the hard way is sometimes, you can be doing too much self development. Sounds confusing right. Are you thinking but Susi, surely improving myself is a good thing?


Yes it is great to look at old patterns that aren't serving you, mindset blocks that are holding you back, working through traumas big and small, maybe revisiting subjects and issues that you’d buried. Inner child work, looking back at your childhood and how this has shaped who you are. The list goes on and you can dig deeper and deeper and deeper. But what I would say is that there can be a dark side to this.


Yes looking at the hard things is important, this is often called shadow work. Looking at the sides of you, you want to hide, the parts of you where you maybe feel shame, guilt and less than. The parts you don't want others to...

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December Ritual For Bringing Back Joy This Festive Season

Are you ready to create a festive season that feels super yummy and a joy? Christmas can invoke so many emotions from joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness and peace. With 2020 being a challenging year for many. Why not turn the festive season into something to truly celebrate and enjoy?

I created this wee ritual and reflection a few years ago following on from a really rubbish Christmas. That Christmas was sad, cold and far from festive. And this ritual allowed me to create something magical and a moment to pause and reflect for me. Want to join me in creating something beautiful for you? Grab Your favourite festive essential oil (I have Doterra Holiday Peace), Pop a drop in your palms and take a deep inhale, light a candle and make a yummy hot drink I love a chai latte. Or as I write this I’m having a peppermint hot chocolate.


Lets look at how you want your Christmas and New Year to feel. Get clear on how you want to show up. Set some intentions, kick back and enjoy!


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Dreaming and Soaring: The solution to feeling stuck and overwhelmed

I don’t know about you but as an adult I don’t really spend much time daydreaming. Just staring into the unknown, out the window watching life. As children we witness life so differently. Watching everything with wide eyed interest and curiosity. The simple twinkle of light reflecting on something can invoke such joy. As adults this simplicity is often overlooked as foolish, a waste of time and we often tell children to stop daydreaming and concentrate. Concentrate on what?


In meditation we will often use a single object as a focus of concentration our breath, a candle, or something else physical. This aids as a focus to calm our overactive mind. In mindfulness we bring awareness to all that surrounds us, engaging the senses, often labelling thought, tree, flower, joy, happiness sadness. But what lies between the two?


Giving ourself space to dream can seem frivolous when in our modern day culture it is often deemed a success to be busy. But where does busy...

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Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

I read a quote yesterday about levelling up and it got me thinking. The quote was along the lines of “Level up for you, not to impress”. Do you make a conscious decision to invest in levelling up or self-help? For me self-development, growth and levelling up allow me to live a life that is expansiveness, it gives me options and adds depth. There has been times though when maybe I was seeking a bit too much and not recognising my own power and capacity to figure things out. As well as the growth we need to allow the information and experience to imbed into our lives and add that depth and flavour.

I am a self-help junkie, I have read hundreds of self-help/development books. In fact let’s call it self-development instead of self-help. Self-help sounds a little desperate. Although in many cases I have been desperately seeking solutions to problems or challenges I was facing. I’ve...

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Listening to your body? Are you fighting the tide?

How often do you listen to your body? Do you keep pushing through when the overwhelm hits? Do you head to work when when your feeling not quite right thinking you will rest later?


Let’s check in if you are fighting the tide or allowing the flow.


I am writing this blog today from my bed. I’ve had the most incredible couple of weeks. My health has began to rise and I have been feeling great.


Yay don’t you love those weeks when everything is in flow?


Today however I woke with a sore throat, sore ear, fatigue and just generally feeling not quite right. My intention as I headed to bed last night was one of waking early, taking the dog to the beach and then starting work with a spring in my step.


We have phrase in Scotland called “ripping the arse out of it” this could also be called doing things to extreme, pushing the limits, or for those of you who over do things burning the candle at both ends.


Safe to say...

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Should I give up?

Do you know when to stop? Or when things get tricky do you give up? There is such a fine line between giving up because it’s too hard and continuing because you feel duty bound. I remember my sister once saying to me how much she admired the fact that if something wasn’t working for me that I would make that decision to stop. However this compliment didn’t come from a place of hey sis, when things get tough you bottle it and give up. But more hey sis you can recognise when whacking your head against the wall aint going to change anything.


So here’s where this blog is coming from. I actually struggle giving up on anything! I’m like a dog with a bone when I get an idea or decide to do something. However over the years I have managed to fine tune this determination and go getting. Because frequently I would be putting my energy into something trying to make it work when quite frankly it really wasn’t meant to be.


I recently started...

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I Have a Confession to Make, I Lost My Way

The start of the year I spend a full day sometimes more reflecting, looking back on the year previous. I pay attention to what I have learned, what felt good, what didn’t feel good. I make vision boards, I journal I get clear on what I wish to achieve, long term, short term and daily.

2020 was different. I did all of the above but I was on a different journey than my usual large scale goals. This year I felt called to, feel more. My goal wasn’t so tangible. It wasn’t getting a new car, writing a book or doing certain things within my business. It was about really truly believing in faith. It was about connecting more with my intuition. It was about fully putting my life in the hands of trust and divine guidance.

I decided this was the year of fully committing to my spiritual practice and allowing life to unfold. I had, had a few years of really working my socks off in my business, building our new home, building our wellbeing centre, shifting my daughters school,...

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Self Care Isn't Selfish

It amazes me how as intelligent human beings we continue to push ourselves hard, through stress, worry and ill health to get things done. Fulfill our own needs and please others.

Selfcare for most is viewed as a luxury or as something that I’ll do that when I finish catching up on housework, putting the kids to bed, finish that assignment, get that tender in for work, tomorrow etc etc the list goes on.

Our heads hurt with stress but rather than deal with stress we’ll take a tablet, we’re tired so we’ll have a caffeine laden drink, our skin breaks out so we’ll put make up on to hide it. Your beginning to get the picture. In the western world we’re very much about treating symptoms and quick fixes. We’re always so busy carving out a life, making a living that we fail to see the big picture.

If we do not have our health we have nothing. We can’t get to work, look after the kids, drive and care for loved ones.

This is how I came to...

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