Lay it Down Poem by Susi McWilliam

Lay it down

Lay it down and rest

Lay it down and grab the blanket

Wrap your self in the soft cosy embrace


Allow the chest to soften and the shoulders to drop

Take the moment

Deepen the breath






Embody, breathe and allow your mind, body, spirit to catch up with you

Recalibrate, process, allow.


Lay it down beautiful, lay it down



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The Art of Rest: 7 ways to reduce burnout

Lying in my bed, 8.40am just gazing out the window. The sky is grey, the trees are blowing gently. There is a stillness and quiet. I have never really been one for lying in bed unless I am ill. I love waking early and making the most from my days.

But what I have discovered over the festive break is a really deep love of rest. I never knew how much I needed this pure quiet time. My brain has had an opportunity to switch off fully, not planning, not running from one thing to the next just simply being present and mindful.

2022 taught me a lot about rest. My body had been overstimulated and I was being guided to deepen my understanding of healing, rest and repair.

What is your relationship with rest? I had shared post on social media about rest and many commented how they had struggled with this very thing. Mainly due to societal conditioning that rest equals laziness.

We are not designed to be on the go 24/7, 365 days a year. We are designed to move with the cycles of nature and...

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