Susi's Super Green Smoothie Recipe

My word for the year was Vibrancy. One way I am embodying this word is through the food I am eating. I love a smoothie. It's a great way to pack in the nutrients, up your fruit and veg and perfect for eating on the go. I created this one last week and thought I would share with you.

Hope you enjoy it!

The mango and banana adds sweetness. The Wheatgrass offers lots of nutrients and antioxidants, spinach is anti inflammatory, avocado healthy fats, and chia seeds are great for bones and blood sugars.

Food can be delicious and medicine.

Enjoy my loves, let me know what you think.

Love Susi xx


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My New Years Prayer to You

pray that you experience moments of bliss, joy and happiness

May your body feel vibrant and healthy.

May you feel present in your days and life.

May you, despite life’s challenges find the courage, strength, and acceptance to move through these with ease.

I pray your heart cracks open and you experience love like never before.

I pray your cupboard and larder are full of nutritious food.

May you live your life authentically.

May you have moments each day of peace.

May you leave the struggles of the past in 2022.

May your hopes and dreams come to light.

This is my prayer for you in 2023 and so is it.

With Love Susi xx

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Control, Structure, Routines and Anxiety

It is human psychology that we need routine and structure to feel safe. But when we are anxious sometimes this can lead to controlling behaviours, OCD tendencies and upset and frustration that we cannot stop our world or control our world from changing and evolving.

You may have seen or heard online various things about what you can and can’t control Stephen Covey shares 3 circles, the circle of control the inner circle, circle of influence things you can influence but may not have direct control over, then the circle of concern (sometimes known as the circle of no control.

When dealing with anxiety structure can be so valuable. Building in repetitive routines, actions and a lifestyle that supports you. Creating your non negotiables for health. This could be things such as morning meditation, not drinking alcohol, getting to bed by a certain time, going to a weekly yoga class. This sense of structure and self-care is nourishing and supportive.

When my anxiety was at its peak I...

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The Art of Rest: 7 ways to reduce burnout

Lying in my bed, 8.40am just gazing out the window. The sky is grey, the trees are blowing gently. There is a stillness and quiet. I have never really been one for lying in bed unless I am ill. I love waking early and making the most from my days.

But what I have discovered over the festive break is a really deep love of rest. I never knew how much I needed this pure quiet time. My brain has had an opportunity to switch off fully, not planning, not running from one thing to the next just simply being present and mindful.

2022 taught me a lot about rest. My body had been overstimulated and I was being guided to deepen my understanding of healing, rest and repair.

What is your relationship with rest? I had shared post on social media about rest and many commented how they had struggled with this very thing. Mainly due to societal conditioning that rest equals laziness.

We are not designed to be on the go 24/7, 365 days a year. We are designed to move with the cycles of nature and...

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Menstrual Magic Hot Chocolate

Do you crave something sweet and soothing when your approach your time of the month? Today I felt like having something yummy, soothing and comforting without the blood sugar high and low. So I made myself this yummy drink I'm calling Menstrual Magic Hit Chocolate! Filled with magical things to make you feel fab!


Cacao: Filled with magnesium to support nervous system and aid calm.

Maca: Helps body with stress and supports energy

Maple Syrup: Used instead of refined sugar, contains B2 to support nervous system

Chamomile: Calming, good for menstrual support and cramps


So you can see why I call it magic!



1 Desert Spoon Organic Cacao Powder
1 tsp Organic Maca
2 tsp Maple Syrup (depending on taste)
1/2 cup of Camomille Tea
1/2 cup dairy free milk


1 Desert Spoon Organic Cacao Powder
1 tsp Organic Maca
2 tsp Maple Syrup (depending on taste)
1/2 cup of Camomille Tea
1/2 cup dairy free milk


Let me know if you try it.


Much Love

Susi xx


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Blogging how I used to, my daily musings from my kitchen floor

It’s November 23rd I’m sitting on my kitchen floor on my yoga mat, surrounded by washing and cleaning equipment. Its the only space in my home my yoga mat will fit. Our living room is mid repair after a flood that took place in summer, my hallway, bedroom and sunroom full of the living room contents.

I could go out to The Sanctuary but the heating isn’t on. I don’t know why I grabbed my laptop but lets see where we go. This feels like my how my journey started, I blogged over a decade ago and now feels full circle.

Today started ok, I did wake with a little anxiety or weird energy. I did some mediation and decided to have a slower day.

My daughter was struggling to get ready for school, hormones, teen life and deadline to get in the car was not starting well, tears flowed, the energy and emotion literally pouring out of her and around her. As a parent and empath I really find these situations so hard to bare. I tried to help, chatted, hugged her, essential...

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I am more than one thing by Susi McWilliam

She loves the wind in the trees and rain on the windows

She loves studying, learning and growing

She loves food, cooking, creating and sharing

She loves touching the depths of her soul

She loves getting lost in mantra and sound

She loves dancing to music form the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s

She loves flowers, potions, essential oils, flower essences and magic

She loves crystals and nature

She loves healing

She loves exploring natural solutions to health and healing

She loves protecting and supporting mother nature

She loves community, connection

She loves meditation, mindfulness and yoga

She loves poetry

She loves the power of the body and the brain

She loves women supporting one another

She loves all things spiritual and manifestation

She loves candles, cacao and reading

She is more than one thing

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How to clean your diffusers and washing machine naturally in 5 easy steps

Hello my lovely,


So its been a wild stormy day in the North East of Scotland which meant I never to a huge amount of time for my nature fix. But what I did get was the lovely opportunity to connect in with some writing, Christmas movie watching with my daughter, cooking and some natural cleaning.


It got me thinking about how much I loved to share in the past the changes I was making at home to live a cleaner less toxic life. I guess I now do all these things without thinking anymore but thought maybe you might like a little super simple, cleaning tip to help reduce the toxins in your home and support living a healthier life.


I had noticed some black marks on my washing machine door and detergent compartment and also black marks on my diffusers. You really do not want mould and yucky build up spreading into your home. Especially if you are then diffusing it into the air.


You maybe...

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She Gave a Poem by Susi McWilliam

She gave all she could

She gave love to those who felt unloveable

She gave hugs to those who lacked connection

She gave support to those who felt weak

She gave positivity to those who felt low

She held their hands as they navigated fear

She listened to those who felt unheard

She gave hope to those who felt helpless

Then came life

It swept in and chipped at her soul

Challenge after challenge, it eroded her edge

She began to fade

The energy she lovingly gave was gone

The positivity she shared diminished

Fragments of her soul blew away on the wind

She closed her weary eyes, her ancestors and guides appeared

They stroked her, wrapped her in blankets and fed her soup

They rubbed her feet and hugged her

They gently held her hand as she walked

They showed her, her beauty and filled her soul

Piece by piece they put her back together

A different and beautiful masterpiece

Only then did she realise she was enough

She was loved

She is love


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All is Well a poem by Susi McWilliam

All is Well

She sits and stares, her heart heavy waiting for tears.
No reason why, just ready to release
She doesn’t run, she sits
She feels, she allows
She breathes, they arrive, they fall down her cheeks.
She doesn’t question or figure out.
She simply breathes.
All is well, all is happening as it should.

Poem by Susi McWilliam


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