How to get the Holiday Vibes without the Holiday

You can also listen to an extended version of this on the Be Free Podcast. 

Do your holidays leave you yearning to return to your routines or tired and jaded wishing they were longer. I love time away from routine days with no plans. Slower pace trying new things, and often reflecting on where I'm at with life. What's working and what's not. I took a week off work last week as I really wanted some spaciousness time to step back, rest and review when I'm at. 


We've had a lot of change this year moving house moving business family stuff and healing. I felt I needed this time to land. The summer holidays has passed in a flash, however it didn't quite work out like I imagined. I am left yearning for that holiday feeling of rest and reflection.


So I thought I'd share how I'm going to give myself some holiday benefits without taking a holiday per se. Holidays are often the perfect antidote for stress, overwhelm, anxiety. Escaping from the pressures of life and...

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Proud of You For Showing Up (Poem)

Showing Up

I am am proud of you, I know how hard it is. I see you and well done. I am sending so much love to those who are........

Showing up through illness

Showing up through pain

Showing up through anxiety

Showing up through not feeling good enough

Showing up through healing

Showing up through fear

Showing up through recovery

Showing up through depression

Showing up through trauma

Showing up through fatigue


May miracles and magic await your honest declaration of determination and commitment to life. With so much love and admiration.

You are an inspiration

Love Susi xx



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Healing, Embarrassment, and Alignment

Don’t really know where to start with this but I feel really called to write this for my own benefit. My nervous system is pretty wired just now, challenging myself with new things, triggering things and pushing through fear to do the things I enjoy and want to do. 


The frustration and sadness comes and goes. Should I take anti anxiety medication, am I disabled. This PPPD stuff may be is what my life will be like forever and I am determined if that is the case that I live fully. The doctors for the past 2 years have been suggesting anti anxiety medication and the main medical tool for PPPD rehab is anti anxiety meds, coupled with vestibular physio. I’m still not sure I’ve fought that for 3 decades do I really want to do that now? I am actually happy with my life its just when I cant do things I used to or people ask me to do things and I have to try explain my limitations. It’s uncomfortable and quite humiliating. 


Mindfulness and all...

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Cycle Tracking and Cyclical Living

Cycle Tracking and Working with Your Menstrual Cycle


This blog and podcast have been a long time coming. I have mentioned it so many times and I know you have all been keen to hear then I forget. But I always come back to wanting to share this process with you as it is something I have found completely invaluable. 


This process has given me such a deep understanding of myself, built more compassion for self and self love. It has enabled me to speak confidently to my doctor about my perimenopausal symptoms. To enable me to understand my mood and emotions and how these relate to my cycle and also to plan my work and life better so I am showing up best for myself and others. 


I do have to say this is not an overnight process and does take time to build a picture. You will find it so fascinating and powerful once you connect and tune in. 


Brief intro to your menstrual cycle. I will add that should you not have a menstrual cycle you can use the...

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5 Tips and Advice for New Meditators

Hello how are you? Today I wanted to share some top tips for those new to meditation, although this may be a helpful reminder to more seasoned meditators too. 


This week I have taught around 50 people meditation and interestingly about 25 of those had never meditated before. I’m super excited by this and delighted that many people are now looking to support themselves in this way. I could harp on all day about the benefits of meditation (I’ll save that for another blog ;)). 


As we start meditation for the first time we can encounter so many things and I wanted to give some top tips and dispel some myths too. 


Tip 1: Distractions are normal. Yes I know we think we have to be seated still cross legged, mind clear like a buddha however this isn’t really the case. Our brains are primal and their first goal is to keep you safe. So your brain will be running all sorts of thoughts to stop you from sitting still. You may get frustrated...

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Pain is Secret Messages of Learning

How often do we feel pain and really want to dive right into what is causing it? So often we are told or feel we need to dust ourself off, paint a smile on and move forward. What I have learnt through years of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and ill health is that this is seldom a solution. You will never outrun pain, grief or ill health. You need to turn and face that monster head on. When you do you will see love, tears and messages.

Yesterday I posted an emotional video on social media. I didn’t do this for sympathy as I was not sad or seeking solution. I was demonstrating that we all feel emotions. Emotions are our road maps. Anxiety, ill health, overwhelm are all road maps and keys to where we are out of alignment or have something to learn. It is so necessary to feel the pain. To listen to what our heart, mind and body are trying to tell us.

I’m not saying we spend our days wallowing in pain, but what we do is we look at our pain and discomfort with curiosity and...

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VLOG Autumn Learnings

Watch Here:

There’s so much learnings available to us, from nature, ourselves, our work and the people we meet. Let’s look at Autumn and release what is no longer serving us. Give gratitude and thanks to all we’ve learned, done and created through Spring and Summer. Proud of you all. Love and Live Your Light Susi xxx

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What if you Saw you as I See You?

I am currently taking part in a writing challenge, writing everyday in January. This has given me so much. My creativity is back in full flow. What I would say is writing for me offers a chance to tune in and connect to what's important. This week that has been paramount as I began to question my purpose. 

 I was thankfully guided back when I was asked the following question; Why do you want to help people? 

My response was this. It makes me buzz when people have a breakthrough and see themselves differently. It's true it sets my heart on fire. I grabbed my journal and below is what arose.

What if you Saw you as I See You? by Susi McWilliam

What if you Saw you as I See You?

Kind, compassionate yet tired,

All the people you support at the detriment of yourself.

Your tired my love, I want to offer you rest.

But not rest as you know it.

A powerful rest, empowering rest.

An eternal rest and break from who you thought you needed to be.

I want to show you a life you...

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Lessons from 2023

2023 was an interesting year. It was a year of surrender, healing and everything moving so slowly including me. As someone who is a pretty driven, dreamer this taught me a lot. 


Learning from our experience adds meaning to our lives. If you get the chance I highly urge you to pause and reflect on the year just past. Take it slow, allow yourself to embody what you have learned before racing into the the next year. What I have discovered is that racing ahead with little reflection or learnings leads to the lessons being repeated and repeated. With the universe kicking us in the butt if we really don't listen up. 


Here I share my personal 5 main learnings. Some may resonate, some may not. They may give you an idea as to where to find your own learnings. Certainly the first 4 have something to offer us all. 


My word for the year last year was “Vibrancy.” I entered the year with such a low energy and vibe. This word was my guiding light. I...

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Lay it Down Poem by Susi McWilliam

Lay it down

Lay it down and rest

Lay it down and grab the blanket

Wrap your self in the soft cosy embrace


Allow the chest to soften and the shoulders to drop

Take the moment

Deepen the breath






Embody, breathe and allow your mind, body, spirit to catch up with you

Recalibrate, process, allow.


Lay it down beautiful, lay it down



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